Talk To An Expert

(06) 2018 9521

Advisumit recruitment & consultancy WordPress website


Congratulations Nathan and Vanja on your new website. Nathan and Vanja approached us about building them a WordPress website with a cartoony look and feel. We kept it simple and with as few pages as possible to explain what they do. So we chose the Divi page builder with an occasional bit of animation here and there. 

Flat design and easy to use

Vanja asked if we could build a flat look with a cartoon feel and as you can see we succeeded. We wish you much success with your new business venture. 

“Our company followed the WordPress & Online store Workshop at The Kiwi Connection. The experience was very instructive and in a relaxed setting. The professional trainer (Josh) makes sure that everyone feels comfortable. This not only benefits the atmosphere, but also makes the threshold for asking questions very low. Because it was a hands-on training and because of the interaction with the other students, the material was introduced gradually and step by step. And by occasionally asking the students control questions, Josh made sure the important points stuck. Never regretted buying this workshop. Besides the fact that it was very interesting and educational to get a look behind the scenes of WordPress, you can always fall back on the expertise and professionalism of The Kiwi Connection as well as their videos on"

Nathan Seedorf

Business developer AdvisumIT


Tags :
WordPress tutorials,WordPress webdesign

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